Although Telegram is now a much more popular online instant messaging app than ever before, many in South Asian countries still understand online messaging apps to mean only Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp and Emo. If you're a regular emo-user, I'm sorry, but emo is the worst online messaging app I've ever seen. However, if you haven't heard of the Telegram app before, or if you've heard of it but have never used it, keep reading. Exactly why I think Telegram is better than all other instant messaging apps, and what features Telegram Messenger has that other messaging apps don't have, I'm going to discuss today.
As I said before, one of the reasons I like Telegram is because it is a Russian app. I like Russian things in terms of technology and internet things. There is no specific reason, I already like a lot of Russian software and apps. Telegram Messenger is an open-source multi-platform instant messaging app, founded in late 2013 by Russian entrepreneur Pavel Durov.
And now it has more than 200 million active users worldwide. Basically, whenever a data breach scandal occurs in an app competing with Telegram, the number of Telegram users is increasing due to its privacy and security features. However, let's talk about some of the features of Telegram Messenger that are not commonly seen in other messaging apps.
I think it should be in any messaging app, but I haven't seen this feature in any messaging app other than Telegram. You can also edit any message sent to anyone. As a result, there is no need to inform the receiver with * mark after typo in the telegram.
If there is any mistake in any message you send, you can easily edit and correct the message again after sending it and the corrected message will show on the chat screen of the receiver. This is a very underrated but very important feature in my opinion. And also there is an option to unsent the sent message again like Facebook Messenger.
Last scene doesn't have to be a problem
You must understand what I mean. We often want to hide when we are active on Messenger or WhatsApp from many of our friends, for whatever reason. However, most messaging apps do not have this feature.
However, since Telegram is a privacy and security focused app, here you can hide your active status, that is, when you are online and when you are offline. Again, if you want, you can hide your online status from a few selected specific people. In many cases, this can lead to a lot of quarrels and break up of the virtual family, if you know what I mean!
This is perhaps the best thing about telegrams. Telegram also has native apps for Windows, Android, iOS, Linux and browsers. You might say that the Windows app also has WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger, but the Windows and Mac versions of WhatsApp are just a web app that only opens WhatsApp's web interface.
However, Telegram's Windows and MacOS app is not a PWA, but a native app and the Telegram app for each platform is updated every 2-3 days. Therefore, no app of any Telegram platform falls in the user interface of the Mandhata period. Besides, the standalone app is the app of every platform of Telegram. In other words, you don't need to be connected to a smartphone like WhatsApp all the time to use the app.
Not only that, Telegram is an open source platform so any developer can develop third party apps for Telegram and on Windows and Android you will find not only Telegram's official apps, but also many other third party Telegram apps that may have many extra features. Being open source, there is no limit to customize the app!
Talking about Telegram Messenger, we have to talk about its minimal and clean user interface. No matter how many instant messaging apps you see on any platform, you won't find messengers in a simple, minimal and easy-to-navigate user interface like Telegram. Also, like most other messenger apps, Telegram's app is not so resource hungry. The Telegram app also works very well on many low end devices.
Telegram's user interface is beautiful, not only that, you can customize the app on all Telegram platforms as you wish. You will probably not find this feature in any other major messaging app. The Telegram app not only gives you the option of dark mode and light mode, but you can also change the color accents of each element of the app as well as the theme.
Not only presets, you can customize the app to your liking using custom color codes. You can even change the emoji style of the app on any platform. You will get 4 different emoji styles. If you want to customize the user interface of the Telegram app, you can write a lot more, which you will know yourself when you start using the app.
The best feature of Telegram is its unlimited file storage. Yes, you can use Telegram Messenger as a good file sharing tool. Because, everything in Telegram is cloud based. You don't have to back up all chat history on a local device like WhatsApp. Moreover, in Telegram you can upload and send any file up to a maximum of 1.5 GB.
The 1.5 GB file size limit is really high for an instant messaging app, where you can't upload files larger than 25 MB on a platform like Facebook. So if you want with the help of telegram, you can share a movie of HD quality with anyone. Moreover, your internet speed is not throttle when uploading / downloading any file uploaded to Telegram. This allows you to always get the highest speed on your network when downloading and sharing files.
Also, all your files shared on Telegram will remain on Telegram's server forever, unless both you and the receiver delete the file. This allows you to access any of your sent files from any device at any time. In other words, on the one hand, it also works like a kind of unlimited cloud storage.
If you have ever used Telegram Messenger, you must have noticed its text delivery speed. Telegram Messenger is the fastest chatting app we've ever seen. Basically when I can't use any other messenger well due to internet speed problem, Telegram always works faster than other apps.
Telegram message delivery speed on all types of networks like WiFi, 4G, 3G, 2G is much faster than all other major chatting apps. Also the voice quality and latency of VoIP audio calls made with the help of Telegram Messenger is much better. However, in terms of voice calling, in my opinion, Google Duo is a bit better than Telegram. However, the voice quality and latency of Telegram is definitely better than WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger.
Group chat facility is not just telegram, all other major chatting platforms have this facility for a long time. However, you can add some extra features to the Telegram group that you will not find on other platforms. For example, user verification, public notes and the addition of bots to the group to automate various tasks. This is a very useful feature for a public chatting group, which I think should be on all platforms.
Telegram also has the advantage of creating separate channels for specific topics where any kind of updates and information on a specific topic is available. For example, in Telegram you will find different channels for almost everything where different types of content are constantly being shared. For example, if you search a little online, you will find many telegram channels where all kinds of new movies and web series are shared. You can easily download these content at high speed by following those channels. There are different telegram channels for different things like that.
Let's talk about my favorite telegram feature. Another feature of Telegram Messenger is the convenience of using bots, which you will not find on most other major chatting platforms. Although Facebook Messenger has the bot feature, Messenger's bots have many limited functionality compared to Telegram and are not very useful. However, there are many different types of bots in Telegram that you can use to make your online life a little easier.
For example, which bot will act as your personal task reminder, and which bot will generate direct download links for all files shared with Telegram. You will also find many telegram bots that will act as YouTube video downloaders. Again, you can use any bot as a file converter. There are thousands of different types of small telegram bots or tools that can be used to make things easier.
Telegram: Why is this the best messenger app?
Although Telegram is now a much more popular online instant messaging app than ever before, many in South Asian countries still understand online messaging apps to mean only Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp and Emo. If you're a regular emo-user, I'm sorry, but emo is the worst online messaging app I've ever seen. However, if you haven't heard of the Telegram app before, or if you've heard of it but have never used it, keep reading. Exactly why I think Telegram is better than all other instant messaging apps, and what features Telegram Messenger has that other messaging apps don't have, I'm going to discuss today.
What is telegram?
As I said before, one of the reasons I like Telegram is because it is a Russian app. I like Russian things in terms of technology and internet things. There is no specific reason, I already like a lot of Russian software and apps. Telegram Messenger is an open-source multi-platform instant messaging app, founded in late 2013 by Russian entrepreneur Pavel Durov.
And now it has more than 200 million active users worldwide. Basically, whenever a data breach scandal occurs in an app competing with Telegram, the number of Telegram users is increasing due to its privacy and security features. However, let's talk about some of the features of Telegram Messenger that are not commonly seen in other messaging apps.
Message editing
I think it should be in any messaging app, but I haven't seen this feature in any messaging app other than Telegram. You can also edit any message sent to anyone. As a result, there is no need to inform the receiver with * mark after typo in the telegram.
If there is any mistake in any message you send, you can easily edit and correct the message again after sending it and the corrected message will show on the chat screen of the receiver. This is a very underrated but very important feature in my opinion. And also there is an option to unsent the sent message again like Facebook Messenger.
Last scene doesn't have to be a problem
You must understand what I mean. We often want to hide when we are active on Messenger or WhatsApp from many of our friends, for whatever reason. However, most messaging apps do not have this feature.
However, since Telegram is a privacy and security focused app, here you can hide your active status, that is, when you are online and when you are offline. Again, if you want, you can hide your online status from a few selected specific people. In many cases, this can lead to a lot of quarrels and break up of the virtual family, if you know what I mean!
Native apps for each major platform
This is perhaps the best thing about telegrams. Telegram also has native apps for Windows, Android, iOS, Linux and browsers. You might say that the Windows app also has WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger, but the Windows and Mac versions of WhatsApp are just a web app that only opens WhatsApp's web interface.
However, Telegram's Windows and MacOS app is not a PWA, but a native app and the Telegram app for each platform is updated every 2-3 days. Therefore, no app of any Telegram platform falls in the user interface of the Mandhata period. Besides, the standalone app is the app of every platform of Telegram. In other words, you don't need to be connected to a smartphone like WhatsApp all the time to use the app.
Not only that, Telegram is an open source platform so any developer can develop third party apps for Telegram and on Windows and Android you will find not only Telegram's official apps, but also many other third party Telegram apps that may have many extra features. Being open source, there is no limit to customize the app!
User interface and customization
Talking about Telegram Messenger, we have to talk about its minimal and clean user interface. No matter how many instant messaging apps you see on any platform, you won't find messengers in a simple, minimal and easy-to-navigate user interface like Telegram. Also, like most other messenger apps, Telegram's app is not so resource hungry. The Telegram app also works very well on many low end devices.
Telegram's user interface is beautiful, not only that, you can customize the app on all Telegram platforms as you wish. You will probably not find this feature in any other major messaging app. The Telegram app not only gives you the option of dark mode and light mode, but you can also change the color accents of each element of the app as well as the theme.
Not only presets, you can customize the app to your liking using custom color codes. You can even change the emoji style of the app on any platform. You will get 4 different emoji styles. If you want to customize the user interface of the Telegram app, you can write a lot more, which you will know yourself when you start using the app.
File sharing up to 1.5 GB
The best feature of Telegram is its unlimited file storage. Yes, you can use Telegram Messenger as a good file sharing tool. Because, everything in Telegram is cloud based. You don't have to back up all chat history on a local device like WhatsApp. Moreover, in Telegram you can upload and send any file up to a maximum of 1.5 GB.
The 1.5 GB file size limit is really high for an instant messaging app, where you can't upload files larger than 25 MB on a platform like Facebook. So if you want with the help of telegram, you can share a movie of HD quality with anyone. Moreover, your internet speed is not throttle when uploading / downloading any file uploaded to Telegram. This allows you to always get the highest speed on your network when downloading and sharing files.
Also, all your files shared on Telegram will remain on Telegram's server forever, unless both you and the receiver delete the file. This allows you to access any of your sent files from any device at any time. In other words, on the one hand, it also works like a kind of unlimited cloud storage.
Speed and reliability
If you have ever used Telegram Messenger, you must have noticed its text delivery speed. Telegram Messenger is the fastest chatting app we've ever seen. Basically when I can't use any other messenger well due to internet speed problem, Telegram always works faster than other apps.
Telegram message delivery speed on all types of networks like WiFi, 4G, 3G, 2G is much faster than all other major chatting apps. Also the voice quality and latency of VoIP audio calls made with the help of Telegram Messenger is much better. However, in terms of voice calling, in my opinion, Google Duo is a bit better than Telegram. However, the voice quality and latency of Telegram is definitely better than WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger.
Telegram groups and channels
Group chat facility is not just telegram, all other major chatting platforms have this facility for a long time. However, you can add some extra features to the Telegram group that you will not find on other platforms. For example, user verification, public notes and the addition of bots to the group to automate various tasks. This is a very useful feature for a public chatting group, which I think should be on all platforms.
Telegram also has the advantage of creating separate channels for specific topics where any kind of updates and information on a specific topic is available. For example, in Telegram you will find different channels for almost everything where different types of content are constantly being shared. For example, if you search a little online, you will find many telegram channels where all kinds of new movies and web series are shared. You can easily download these content at high speed by following those channels. There are different telegram channels for different things like that.
Telegram bots
Let's talk about my favorite telegram feature. Another feature of Telegram Messenger is the convenience of using bots, which you will not find on most other major chatting platforms. Although Facebook Messenger has the bot feature, Messenger's bots have many limited functionality compared to Telegram and are not very useful. However, there are many different types of bots in Telegram that you can use to make your online life a little easier.
For example, which bot will act as your personal task reminder, and which bot will generate direct download links for all files shared with Telegram. You will also find many telegram bots that will act as YouTube video downloaders. Again, you can use any bot as a file converter. There are thousands of different types of small telegram bots or tools that can be used to make things easier.
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