Getting less network coverage on the phone? Then this post is for you

Getting less network coverage on the phone? Then this post is for you!

Horrible cellphone signal quality can happen for two reasons, firstly it is a problem of your cell operator and secondly you may be living in a place where the cellphone tower is too far away or too much material is blocking the cell signal. In this case many cellphone operators provide a device for free or separately which helps to improve your calling quality by boosting the cellphone signal. It's called a cellphone signal booster — a device dedicated to generating strong cell signals.

In fact it does not generate new cell signals but rather repeats and boosts the signals coming from the operator cell tower, so extraordinarily strong communication is possible. In this article I will discuss in detail, how it works and as a bonus, how to boost cell signal quality on your phone!

Cellphone signal booster

You must have heard the term "dead zone", it is a place where you can't use cellphones. Because there is no cell signal, you will not be able to communicate with the network provider and calling, texting will not be possible. Especially in rural areas there are dead zones, where cellphone network is not found at all. Really annoying, isn't it? Cellphone operators typically provide cell coverage area maps on their websites, if your residence is not within this map then you are in a dead zone. Even within the area of ​​the map, your cell signal can be very bad, resulting in annoying call dropping, low data speed problems.

And to overcome this problem, the term cellphone signal booster comes to us — this antennas gadget boosts cell signals using and amplifiers, making it possible to show more signal bars on your phone, and giving you the ability to call without dropping problems.

I don't even have a very good signal in my town house, where there is a cell tower just half a kilometer away from home. In fact, the tallest buildings in the city absorb a lot of signals, and if you live in a densely populated area, the building will be much bigger, and your signal problems will increase a lot. Cellphone Signal Booster 4G, 3G, 2G - Helps to boost any type of cell signal and is available in the market / online to buy cell signal booster from 2/3 thousand to 20 thousand, here the price of the booster is low depending on your signal coverage and bandwidth or Might be more.

How Does Cellphone Signal Booster Work?

The booster has many antennas that are used to capture cell signals. These antennas capture strong and reliable signals, so the Kenona booster needs to be installed on the roof or outside the window so that it can receive good cell signals. After capturing the good signal from the booster cell tower through the antenna, it sends it to the amplifier or cell repeater, this time the amplifier further boosts the signal and sends it to the indoor antenna. And this indoor antenna strengthens all the cell signals in the house!

There are some things to keep in mind when buying a cellphone signal booster! Of course any cell signal booster does not work with all operators. This means that you must check at the time of purchase whether it supports your specific operator cell signal. When buying a booster online, check the details on their product page, there is a list of supported operators. And yes, after buying a booster it will need to be installed in a place where a good cell signal is received from the tower. Depending on how much boosted coverage you want, you will need to buy a booster.

Bangladeshi operators support 900Mhz, 1800Mhz, and 2100Mhz frequency bands. According to my tests, Robi, Airtel, Banglalink and Teletalk; Provides 2G network (900 MHz), 3G network (2100 MHz) and 4G network (900 and 1600 MHz). You to find out which band your operator is NetMonster can use the app using.

Signal boosters of single band and multiple band are available in the market. The price of a single band booster tends to be a little lower in comparison. Suppose you just talk, in that case you have to buy a 900 band booster, if you need both internet and call then you have to buy a dual band or tri band booster.

Cell signal boost without cellphone signal booster

If you really have a lot of problems with cell signals in your place, then of course investing money in signal boosters is the ideal thing. But many times it is possible to boost the cell signal by keeping an eye on some common issues. Here are some general tips that will help you get better signal quality on your phone.

phone off and on again Turn the ; - Sometimes cell signal problems can be for your phone, and like a computer, it is possible to solve many problems by restarting the phone or simply turning it off again. Maybe your cellphone was repeatedly receiving a connection to a weak tower, the phone may try to connect to the new cell tower by turning on / off the phone and get better signal quality. Many times keeping the phone on for a long time can cause some problems with the operating system or freezing the phone, this problem can be solved by turning the airplane mode on / off. However, it is possible to get better results by turning the phone on / off.

Recharge the battery
; - If the battery in your phone is low, your phone goes into power saving mode, the phone can not provide more power to communicate with the cell tower. So charge the phone, if it is not possible to charge immediately, then turn off the power saving mode, although it will drain the battery quickly, but the network bar will increase.

Change the position
; - Many times it may be possible to improve the cell signal by making some moves from where it is. Again, the way you hold the phone may cover the antenna of the phone, so change the style of holding the phone to see if any improvement is possible. If there is a signal problem inside the house or inside the house, you can improve the signal by going outside or on the roof. Many times it is possible to improve the signal of your phone by moving a little in any direction.

Buy a good phone ; - Wherever you are, or the operator using the SIM card, if you always see a weak signal on the phone, then surely your cellphone has a problem. Your phone has a fault in the antenna or it is just wicked. In this case, it would be best to buy a new and better phone! guide to buy a new smartphone You can see the from here!

Change the cell operator
; - Sometimes one cell operator in your place may not give a good signal, but there may be a strong signal from another cell operator, so you can also get a better signal by changing the operator. Earlier changing the operator was quite a hassle but now for the MNP sake of facility you can change the operator without changing the number.

WiFi calling ; - Many operators provide WiFi service, although not in all departments, many cell operators in Dhaka provide WiFi, now I do not know if these cell operators support WiFi calling, but both Android and iOS support WiFi calling. If your cell network is weak and the WiFi signal is strong, then the phone automatically switches the call via WiFi. If your operator supports WiFi calling, you will be able to receive simple calls and messages there. If I have an internet connection or broadband line, you can easily make internet calls or using WiFi VoIP calls using Skype, Duo, etc. .

So is there a no signal or weak signal problem on your phone or in your area? Can't find the cell signal even after the cell tower is a little far from your home? Let us know your experience by commenting below. If you want to buy cellphone signal booster, you can comment me below for help buying, I will try to recommend better booster for you!
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